Detail produktu

ComfortZone CE 50 3.0 BBR

Obj.číslo: 7 748 000 266


  • Název produktu: ComfortZone
  • Produktová kategorie: Tepelné čerpadlo vzduch-voda

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Obrázek konstrukční skupiny
Těsnění EPDM D 44x32x33 (10x)

8 711 004 358 0


8 718 310 311 0

Safety switch

8 718 311 715

RFI Card R04008

8 718 311 716

Taroid core TX42/26/18-3ES

8 718 311 717

Side Panel R

8 718 311 718

Side Panel L

8 718 311 719

Back cover panel

8 718 311 720

Cover top

8 718 311 721

Htahc over complete

8 718 311 722

Filter hatchet

8 718 311 724

Extra heat 6kW komplett

8 718 311 725

Pressure guard filter

8 718 311 728


8 718 311 731

Compressor ZH21

8 718 311 741

Outer box bottom

8 718 311 745

Outer box lid

8 718 311 746

Outer box hatchet front

8 718 311 747

Outer box side

8 718 311 748

Housing evaporator

8 718 311 749

Condenstråg complete

8 718 311 750

Bracket evaporator sensor

8 718 311 751

Clutch top G20out x22 klk

8 718 311 752

Connection 1 1/2"x22mm

8 718 311 753

Exchange valve motor

8 718 311 754

Exchange valve

8 718 311 755

Filling valve 15mm compression

8 718 311 756

Valve pipe

8 718 311 757

Safety valve 10bar G15x15 m

8 718 311 758

Junction box

8 718 311 759

Dryfilter with reciever

8 718 311 760

Sightglass 3/8

8 718 311 761

Schrader hood with CU tray

8 718 311 764

Flatexchanger CE50 mounted

8 718 311 765

HP-box CE50 exchange 125 stos

8 718 311 767

Safety valve 510 3/4x22 0,25 MPA

8 718 311 769

Manometer MA 50-4 1/4

8 718 311 770

Front panel CE50/65 m Lbel CZ

8 718 311 772

Sound hood lock

8 718 311 775

Exchange valve cable

8 718 311 776

Collection pipe with clutch

8 718 311 777

Waste water funnel compl

8 718 311 778

Heat Limiter temp electrical heater

8 718 311 779

Drain valve

8 718 311 780

Deairing valve

8 718 311 781

Circlip echange valve LK

8 718 311 782

Controll unit ST-656 CE50

8 718 311 784

Net drossel 3x6 mH 4,5 A/CE50

8 718 311 805


8 718 311 829

Druckwächter 23/18 bar

8 738 202 149

Air filter 3 pcs

8 738 203 358

Temperature sensor

8 738 203 537

Sound hood CE 50

8 738 203 622

Inverter C50

8 738 203 624

Expansion vessel

8 738 203 625

Čerpadlo oběhové Para 7 + kabel

8 738 214 730

Pumpenkabel (Winkelstecker)

8 738 214 970